The Vision

Yehoshua Hankin, the pioneer of the center of Israel.

In the early 20th century, over a period of 40 years Yehoshua Hankin, a pioneer purchased 600,000 dunam of deserted, bare, and unproductive land in Israel. Today that land is the vibrant population and business centers of Rehovot, Hadera and Ranaana.

The Land People (LP) are looking ahead at the next 40 years.

Today 70% of the Jewish population in Israel lives between Netanya and Tel Aviv, only 10% of the country's land. And 90% of the Jewish population live between Be'er Sheva and Haifa – only 20% of the country's land.

According to the Israeli National Bureau of statistics by 2048 the current population will double. Urgent and creative approaches are required to increase the space available. One clear solution is to look to develop the 40% of Israeli Land, which is currently unable to be purchased. Yet.

Our mission is to overcome the obstacles preventing use of this 40%, to purchase and re-zone, in order to establish land reserves which will ease population distress and enable growth and development for future generations.