Process - increasing impact - how do we work?

  • Mapping - Map land available for purchasing that are adjacent or within settlements
  • Locating - Identify and locate the land owners in a discrete manner
  • Checking - Check the reliability of the ownership, and the feasibility of the zoning process vis-á-vis the authorities.
  • Purchasing - Conduct discrete negotiations while using authentication and documentation methods specifically designed for the purchasing process
  • Rezoning-Rezone the land by working with the authorities (TABA)
  • Sale - Sell the Land to Israeli residents or developers

Stage #1

Our land people scout, map and source opportunities, which would otherwise be lost, across the country. We narrow down the hundreds of options and move forward with the most promising and idealistic opportunities and complete the purchase.

Stage #2

Bureaucracy and re-zoning, working with experts in the field and top a legal partners which will assist with this, additionally working with political lobbying body to speed up and smoothen the process.
Untangle any issues which haven't yet been resolved in stage one in order to ensure the lands full potential. This stage is headed primarily by our legal team.

Stage #3

Market and sell the land for establishing new or expanding Jewish communities. This be done through a property development company and Local authorities.
The now grown contribution will be allocated to a personal Land People DAF, enabling you to grant an amount of your choice whenever you want to donate it back to the Land People Fund or/and any Israeli organization and charity of your choice.